
Accreditations & Licenses

In the previous period, IGH has obtained appropriate licenses from the relevant federal ministries: Federal Ministry of Physical Planning, Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism and Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, as well as Accreditation Certificate issued by BATA – Institute for Accreditation of BiH.

1. Accreditation Certificate issued to IGH’s Central Laboratory by the Institute for accreditation of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirming that Central Laboratory of the IGH d.o.o. Mostar complies with requirements of BAS/EN/ISO/IEC 17025:2006 for competence to carry out testing of construction materials and semi-products

2. License issued to IGH d.o.o. by the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning to conduct conformity assessment of construction products, ie certain properties of construction products, as follows:
– concrete according to specification EN 206-1,
– aggregate for concrete according to specification EN 12620,
– hollow slabs according to Specification EN 1168,
– masonry mortara according to specifications EN 998-1 i EN 998-2,
– wall elements according to apecifications EN 771-1. EN 771-3 i EN 771-4,
– bitumen mixtures according to specifications EN 13018, EN 12271
– aggregate for bitumen mixtures and surface treatment, unbound and hydraulically bonded materials, railway ballast to specification EN 13043, EN 13055, EN 13450

3. Authorization to perform testing activities for construction products, ie product groups:
– aggregate and stone
– concrete
– asphalt and bitumen
– soil (geomechanical tests)
Issued by the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska

4. The authorization to perform laboratory geotechnical testing activities, issued by the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning

5. Licence issued to IGH d.o.o. Mostar by the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning for activity of making geotechnical projects for facilities and operations within the jurisdiction of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning

6. License issued to IGH d.o.o. by the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning for performance of design of objects and operations in the field of civil engineering (transport infrastructure) – road culverts, bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, viaducts and supporting structures